

Participation With Assurance Wireless Federal Lifeline Program Provides Eligible Healthfirst Members with Free Android™ Smartphone and No-Cost Cell Phone Service


NEW YORK, NY, AUGUST 03, 2021 – Healthfirst, the largest not-for-profit health insurer in New York State, is committed to its mission to help its members access high-quality healthcare. As part of that effort, the company is keeping its members connected to healthcare services and providers by participating with Assurance Wireless in the federal Lifeline Program which provides free Android™ smartphones and no-cost cell phone service to those that are eligible .

"If there is one thing that became apparent during the pandemic, it was the importance of access to telehealth services. As we continue to pursue Health Equity, it is our hope that making the Lifeline Program available to eligible members via Assurance Wireless is an all-around win for our members, their physicians, and Healthfirst," said Errol Pierre, SVP, State Programs at Healthfirst. "Members will also be able to download the Healthfirst member app onto their smartphone to access in-network care (including telehealth), locate nearby essential services, and view digital member information and benefits."

The Lifeline Program through Assurance Wireless includes:

  • 4.5 GB Monthly Data
  • Unlimited texting and 1,000 Monthly Minutes

Special extras for Healthfirst members include:

  • Feature-loaded Android smartphone
  • Healthfirst updates and reminders by text
  • 致電第一保健不計入每月分鐘數
  • Use of the Healthfirst NY Mobile App doesn’t count against monthly minutes

Enrollment is available to individuals who qualify based on federal or state-specific eligibility criteria. You may qualify if you are on certain public assistance programs, like Medicaid or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Members can determine eligibility and apply for a free Android smartphone and no-cost cell phone service by visiting healthfirst.org/assurance-wireless-lifeline.

第一保健是紐約州規模最大的非營利醫療保險公司,確保提供可負擔且高品質的醫療護理,深受一百八十萬名會員的信賴。第一保健由紐約下城業內領先的醫院系統管理贊助;扎根於紐約,我們的使命是與龐大的醫療服務提供者網絡緊密合作,共同以會員為尊。第一保健也是行業內的先行者,所提供的基於價值的護理模式現已被公認為全國最佳模式。將近30年來,第一保健與其合作夥伴一同努力,透過較易獲得的醫療護理來促進健康結果,尤其是在受惡劣疾病攻擊、健康狀況懸殊、及因社會經濟障礙而無法獲得最佳健康的服務不完備的社區。第一保健為紐約人提供可信賴的頂級品質醫療產品與服務,在社區中聲譽顯赫。第一保健為會員的每個人生階段提供市場領先的產品(包括醫療補助計劃、老人醫療保險Medicare Advantage計劃、長期護理計劃、合格健保計劃、Essential Plan及個人和小型團體計劃)。第一保健為紐約市、長島、威徹斯特郡、羅克蘭郡、沙利文郡以及橙郡的會員提供服務。如需有關第一保健的更多資訊,請瀏覽healthfirst.org

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Assurance Wireless is participating in a Lifeline Assistance program supported by the federal Universal Service Fund. Enrollment is available to individuals who qualify based on federal or state-specific eligibility criteria.禁止網絡使用的規則及其他限制條款適用。© 2021 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. 版權所有。Android是Google LLC的商標。所有其他標記皆為其個別所有人的財產。Assurance Wireless所提供的支援以英文為主,並且保留提供英文文件的權利。西班牙文文件僅為了便利性而提供。
Android smartphone is provided by Assurance Wireless and is based on phone availability. Includes Lifeline cell phone service with voice minutes and data each month, plus unlimited texts.
Exclusive wireless offer for eligible Healthfirst members age 18 and over. Offer limited to eligible customers residing in selected geographic areas, is non-transferable, and only one wireless or wireline discounted Lifeline service is available per household.Assurance Wireless服務並非在所有的州/地區皆有提供,且服務內容因州而異。並非任何地方皆受到涵蓋。 See the coverage map on the https://www.assurancewireless.com website for a detailed map and check if service is available in your area.