

Tips to Help Stay Flu Free This Winter

OCTOBER 24, 2019, New York, NY -- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu virus can spread to others up to six feet away.1 Getting yourself vaccinated may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness.2

This is why Healthfirst is reminding members to get their annual flu shot, which is available to them at no cost. Healthfirst members can schedule an appointment for a free flu shot with their doctor, or go to a participating pharmacy or local urgent care center. 第一保健會員不需要為了接種疫苗長途跋涉, They can visit HFDocFinder.org to find an in-network doctor or HFNoFlu.org to locate a convenient pharmacy.

Who Should Get a Flu Shot?

    • 疾病控制與預防中心建議[i]每位年齡為六個月以上的人士接種流感疫苗。
    • 孕婦,疫苗可同時保護母親及胎兒。
    • 在安養院居住的人士或醫療保健工作者。
    • 接觸病患的醫療保健工作者。



    • 年滿65歲的老年人​​​​​​​
    • 具有潛在健康問題者(例如哮喘、糖尿病、心臟疾病)


"Getting a flu shot protects you and those around you," said Jay Schechtman, Chief Clinical Officer at Healthfirst. "There is also evidence that the vaccine can lessen the severity of the flu if you do get sick, and reduce the likeliness of developing complications of the virus, including pneumonia and death. There is no reason to delay; free flu shots are available now."

Five tips to stay flu free this season:

    • Get a flu shot! 疾病控制與預防中心建議年度流感疫苗接種是對抗流感及其潛在嚴重併發症的首要步驟。接種疫苗很容易, 許多當地藥房都提供疫苗,因此您甚至不需要和醫生預約。最好在流感季節前先接種疫苗才能達到最佳防護效果;建議您在十月結束前接種疫苗。
    • Keep it clean. Wash your hands with soap and water several times a day, especially before and after eating, and before and after entering shared, high-traffic spaces like the restrooms and mass transit. 外出時使用乾洗手。
    • Be considerate when coughing or sneezing. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze. No tissue within reach? Cough or sneeze into the inner part of your sleeve, at the elbow.
    • 維持健康的生活形態。 盡量飲食健康均衡、補充水分、睡眠充足並經常運動,讓您的抵抗力保持在最強健的狀態。
    • 生病時請待在家裡。 如果您出現類流感症狀,疾病控制與預防中心建議您在退燒後至少24小時應留在家裡不要上班;兒童應留在家裡不要上學。




第一保健是紐約最大型的非營利醫療保險公司,提供可負擔的醫療保健,並獲得近乎140萬名會員的信賴。擁有紐約市領先的醫院支持贊助,第一保健的獨特優勢為透過與眾多的服務提供者網絡以共同目標密切合作,堅持以會員為尊的使命源於其成員的首要任務。 Healthfirst takes pride in being pioneers of the value-based care model, now recognized as a national best practice. For more than 25 years, Healthfirst has built its reputation in the community for top-quality products and services New Yorkers can depend on. It has grown significantly to serve the needs of members, offering market-leading products to fit every life stage, including Medicaid plans, Medicare Advantage plans, long-term care plans, qualified health plans, and individual and small group plans.


1 https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/disease/spread.htm
2 https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2019-2020.htm